Gun & Ammo
Transfers & Sales
Accurate Arms USA can handle your Firearms & Ammo Purchases as well as Dealer & Private Party Transfers

The Transfer Process
Place your retail order online and choose Accurate Arms as your “ship to” FFL. Be sure to list YOUR NAME and PHONE NUMBER information so that we can contact you when your item(s) arrive.
When your package arrives we will contact you to set up an appointment to come in and start your paperwork.
PLEASE NOTE: It may take 1-2 days to check-in your item.
You must bring ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS to your appointment. All FEES are due in cash at that time as well.
At your appointment we will initiate the background check and begin your 10 day waiting period.
We will book your pickup appointment on the calendar…..
….at which time, upon approval, you will sign & thumbprint the final documents and pickup your items.

Documents Required
To be used for firearm & ammunition transfers only.

Transfer Fees
Firearms Transfers
Dealer Transfer Fee is $102.81 (Plus DROS on ALL tranfers)
+ STATE DOJ DROS Fee is $37.19
Ammo Transfers
10% of Invoice
$15.00 Minimum Charge Per Order Delivered